I'm David Ruiz

A passionate Software Engineer with +3 years of experience.

About me

I'm a software engineer with more than 3 years of experience in the world of web and mobile development.

I am passionate about solving real problems mediated by technology. I try to be in constant learning to improve my development practices and implementation of clean architectures, healthy for the user and the team involved.

In my free time I like to learn new topics that make me get out of my comfort zone and travel ✈️


Teamwork and mentoring
Pair Programming
Autonomous learning
Agile Development

Technologies & Tools

React Native
Google Cloud


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🧑🏻‍💻 CTO - Co-Founder
Chamba App

Recruitment platform that helps companies find their bilingual staff. Based in the United States.

It is composed of two mobile applications and a web application, one of which is dedicated to businesses to post and hire talent and the other for workers who are looking for a job.

React NativeAWSServerlessAPI RESTDotnet CoreGoogle CloudFirebaseWeb SocketsNest.jsNode.jsMongodb
📓 Education
Brainit App

With the research group of my university, within our research group, we planned to develop a mobile application that would help the students of the Universidad Libre to reinforce topics in the subject of English.

Open SourceReact NativeUnity 3D
Cognito Userpool Export

This project was created in order to export the complete list of registered users with all the information stored within the AWS Cognito service.

Open SourceAWSGolang